DIVEIN Prodotti


Salvimar Capture

INOX 17-4PH shaft, shark fins realized with M.I.M. technology - Metal Injection Molding - applied with laser welding. New barb with scaled profile, available with single and double barb

6,5mm x 120cm / 1 barb
6,5mm x 125cm / 1 barb
6,5mm x 130cm / 1 barb
6,5mm x 135cm / 1 barb
6,5mm x 140cm / 1 barb

7,0mm x 140cm / 1 barb
7,0mm x 150cm / 1 barb
7,0mm x 130cm / 2 barb
7,0mm x 140cm / 2 barb
7,0mm x 150cm / 2 barb

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